It's A Single Mom Thing
Welcome to “It's A Single Mom Thing,” the show for single moms by single moms, hosted by Sherry Chandler.
Being a solo momma and present parent is hard work, and losing focus is easy when you forget your faith. The good news is you are not alone. You were singled out this season, and together, we can work on what’s not working for you—finding Christ in the crisis! Whether you’re tuning in early in the morning or late at night, I’m here for you, momma.
This podcast is your go-to space for navigating life as a single mom with faith, fun, and a fresh perspective. We'll cover everything from mastering a single-mom success mindset and budgeting like a boss to prioritizing self-care and raising resilient kids. We’ll share time management hacks, parenting perspectives, co-parenting challenges, and how to find joy and laugh again. Together, we’ll move from surviving to thriving in every season of single motherhood.
Be encouraged. Get inspired. You can do this, momma.
Each Monday, join me for practical advice, relatable stories, and uplifting conversations as we walk this journey from solo momma to solo momma. I promise not to take too much of your time, and I’m so grateful you’re spending it with me.
It may be a single mom thing, but it doesn’t have to be the "single thing" that stops you!
It's A Single Mom Thing
Single Mom Side Hustle: Earning Extra Cash Without Burning Out
Are you a single mom looking to bring in some extra income without losing your mind (or your peace)? In this empowering episode of It’s A Single Mom Thing, we’re flipping the script on hustle culture with faith, focus, and fierce boundaries.
Join Sherry as she gets real about what it means to chase provision without sacrificing your purpose. You’ll learn how to evaluate the why behind your hustle, discover smart and sustainable side hustle ideas for single moms, and set holy boundaries that protect your peace, your kids, and your walk with God.
This episode is packed with:
✅ Real-life examples of flexible side hustles (freelancing, childcare, cleaning, and more)
✅ A faith-based filter for decision-making
✅ Journal prompts to help you discern God’s plan for your finances
✅ Encouragement from Psalm 40 shared by a high school mission trip student
✅ A powerful reminder: You don’t need to hustle harder—you need to hustle holier.
Plus—you’ll hear a beautiful Scripture reading from a high school student at Indian Rocks Christian School who recently served on a mission trip at Shepherd’s Village. Her words from Psalm 46:5 are a powerful reminder that God sees you, hears you, and sends encouragement in unexpected ways. 💛Whether you're driving deliveries or dreaming of starting your own thing, this episode will give you the tools and truth to earn extra without burning out.
👉 Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or iHeart Radio
👉 Visit www.shepherdsvillage.com/classes to connect locally
👉 Need prayer? Call 855-822-PRAY
👉 Join the conversation in our It’s A Single Mom Thing Facebook Group with the hashtag #HolyHustleMom
It's a Single Mom Thing, Not the Single Thing That Stops You!
Welcome to it's a Single Mom Thing, the show for single moms by single moms. This is Sherri, your host, and I am happy you are here today. Remember it's a single mom thing and not the single thing that stops.
Speaker 2:Okay, mama, let's talk real life for a second, because I know some of y'all are here trying to door dash your way through daycare or Venmo, your rent from side jobs and flip Facebook marketplace fines like you're running a retail empire, all while trying to keep the kids fed, the house functioning and your sanity well, somewhat intact. Does that sound familiar? Listen, I get it. I was a single mom and I know we don't have a plan B because we are the plan B. But here's the deal Hustling so hard that you burn out, lose sleep or even lose your joy. That's not the vibe, that's not what God wants for you and it's not what I want for you either. So in today's episode, we are flipping the script on hustle culture and talking about how to earn some extra income without selling your piece to the highest bidder. We're diving into a smart, sustainable side hustles, fierce faith filters and how to make your money move without losing your mind in the process. Because, listen, a second paycheck isn't worth it if it costs you your purpose, your peace or your people.
Speaker 2:Welcome to another episode of it's a Single Mom Thing. Check your why before your hustle. Let's be real honest right out the gate Before you say yes to the late nights, the extra hours or that new gig that promises fast cash. You need to pause and ask yourself one question why am I really hustling? Because here's the hard truth If your hustle is rooted in fear, it will wear you out, but if it's rooted in purpose, it will fuel you forward. See, some moms hustle because the bills are screaming. Others hustle because they feel behind and some are trying to outrun shame, comparison or the fear of not being enough. Do some of y'all relate to that? So here's what I want you to know you are already enough. The money doesn't make you worthy. The extra gig doesn't prove your value.
Speaker 2:And just because you can doesn't mean you should Remember more time spent on hustle is less time spent with your kiddos. So let's do a little quick heart check. Got some palpitations maybe going on here. So don't just chase the bag. Count the cost, you see, before you jump into that hustle. You need to ask yourself some questions Like one why am I really doing this? Is it fear, pressure, guilt or purpose? Number two how much time will this actually take each week? And what will I have to say no to in order to say yes to this? Three what is this costing my kids Time with me, attention? Is this costing my kids time with me, attention? Peace in the home? Or four will this side hustle interfere with my main job or put my primary income at risk? That's a good one. How about number five? Does this fit my current season and schedule or will it stretch me too thin? Six am I excited about this or already exhausted by the idea of it? And, of course, number seven did I pray about this or did I panic and pounce on it because it looked promising?
Speaker 2:Listen, just because something brings in money doesn't mean it's adding value. Your peace, presence and purpose are priceless. Don't trade them for temporary pay. So here's a little faith filter check and it comes from Proverbs 3, verses 5 through 6. And I quote trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your path. So listen, if you believe and have faith in this verse, I believe you owe it to him to ask him what his will is for your life. Speaking from experience here, there have been many of times I have ran ahead of him in fear, trying to solve a problem instead of asking the one with the answer to the problem. Mamas, you don't need a path someone else paved. You need the one God designed for you. Your provision is partnered with your obedience, not your exhaustion. So get your journals out. We're going to have three prompts today and they won't be long. So in your Thrive in 25 journal, I want you to write why do I want to hustle right now? What am I hoping it gives me and what do I not want to lose in the process? Take some time there and come back to our next section.
Speaker 2:As we move forward with faith and finances, god's not against the hustle. So let's clear something up. Just because you're a woman of faith doesn't mean you have to play small with your finances. God is not allergic to ambition, he's just not a fan of anxiety running the show. And yes, this is a reminder for me too. You see, god is a provider, but he also gives us power to produce, and when it's led by him, that side hustle can turn into a stream of provision, peace and purpose.
Speaker 2:So let's put some biblical built hustle to action here, and it comes from the Proverbs 31 woman who was booked, and she was blessed. You see, she wasn't just sitting around praying for ends to meet, oh no, this girl. She was investing in property, selling goods, managing her home, making wise decisions and doing it all with strength and dignity. In Proverbs 31, 17 through 8, it says, and I quote she sets about her work vigorously, her arms are strong for her task, she sees that her trading is profitable and her lamp does not go out at night. Sisters, listen, this sister was multitasking before it was trending. But here's the kicker she wasn't hustling from a place of panic, she was operating from wisdom, not weariness.
Speaker 2:So let me share a few faith-filled truths for the faith-fueled hustle. Number one God is your source, your job, your side gig, even your child support? Check. Those are just the channels. Don't confuse the stream with the source. Two, you don't have to sacrifice your Sabbath for a side hustle. I'm going to read that again you don't have to sacrifice your Sabbath for a side hustle, and I needed to hear that. Three, just because you're a single mom doesn't mean you have to carry it all alone. God is your provider, your planner and your partner. Have you spoken to him about this? You see, hustling in faith means you check with the father before you chase the finances. So in your journal, I want you to write this next set of questions Well, question, oh, it's two part. What does it look like for me to partner with God in my finances in this season? And then, what area am I trying to control instead of trusting him with it? That's good.
Speaker 2:So when you're done, come back here and we're going to move on to our next section called Smart Side Hustles for Single Moms. That don't steal your sanity. All right. So you've checked your heart, you prayed over the plan and now you are ready to see what's out there that fits your life. Now you are ready to see what's out there that fits your life. Let's talk side hustles that make sense for your season, not ones that drain your time, your energy or your peace. Because real talk, listen. Your hustle should support your home and not stress you out. So here's going to be our rule of thumb If it doesn't leave room for rest, relationships and reality, it's not the right hustle. So that bears repeating again. If it doesn't leave room for rest, relationships and reality, it's not the right hustle. You need to drop it like it's a hot potato, okay, but let's move on to some real side hustle ideas that I don't know you can flex with your life.
Speaker 2:This is the delivery and gig work. Some of you already know about this. You're doing it Uber, eats, doordash, instacart and Amazon Flex. Work during kid-free windows, nap time, school hours, evenings, with some help. Do not leave your babies unattended. Here's another area freelance and remote work virtual assistant, customer support, freelance writing or editing, transcription, data entry, social media management sites like Fervor, upwork and Belay those are going to be your great go-to sources for that, because, listen, you can use your skills. Your laptop could be your side hustle headquarters. See when.
Speaker 2:I was working as a solo mom. Back in the day I did email marketing, social media and updating web content. I think I had like three clients that I serviced on a monthly basis. I did it in the early morning after my son went to bed, lunch breaks and weekends. Well, that's when I made it work for me, so you can do it too. Now for the creative and crafty mama gigs. Okay, sell handmade or personalized items on Etsy. I know one young lady who used to sell wreaths on Etsy. Offer printable resources, kids charts, devotional budget planners, invitations or even resume design, Photography, custom shirts, event signage or party favors. For my kid-centered hustles, let's see there's babysitting or nannying for neighbors or other single moms, After-school pickup service or weekend sitting, Host a mama swap, Take turns watching each other's kids to give each other rest or time to work.
Speaker 2:And here's a bonus You're already parenting Might as well get paid to expand your care and home and life services House cleaning or organizing, especially for working families, pet sitting or dog walking those are super flexible and low stress. Grocery pickup or errand running for busy families or seniors. Yard work, carpool help, laundry folding yes, people will pay for that. You see, the best hustle isn't always the flashiest, it's the one that fits your rhythm, respects your limits and still leaves you with something left to give at the end of the day Fierce, faith-filled filter. Before saying yes to any hustle, you need to ask yourself a couple things. Number one does this hustle line up with what I prayed for? Two will I still have the capacity to pour in my kids myself and my walk with God? That is non-negotiable. Three, can I see myself doing this for the next three to six months without resenting it? So our last journal prompt in our Thriving 25 journal which hustle idea feels like it fits my current life, not just my current stress? How can I keep it life-giving and not life-draining? And I just had a moment. There is one more prompt at the end of this, so I apologize, moving on to hustle with boundaries, because burnout doesn't pay. So all right, my sisters, we've prayed, we've planned and picked out some smart side hustle ideas, but now we got to talk about the part nobody's hyping up on Instagram Boundaries, because a side hustle without boundaries is just a fast track to a meltdown with a side of regret. So let's get one thing straight Hustle not your identity, your worth is not in your work and your busyness does not equal blessing. That's a hard one to take. Take it from me, as I just said that. I just teed that up. Yes, take it from me, someone who started her own side hustle over Christmas break. I may not be a single mom in this season anymore, but I am still single and in charge of my charges. My time is my most valuable asset and I don't just give it away. I pray through it first so I can set healthy boundaries for each day, as today is all that we are promised. So here's what hustling with boundaries looks like.
Speaker 2:Number one set actual work hours and you really need to honor them. You see, side hustle doesn't mean all hours. Create a time block and stick to it, whether it's post bedtime, work sprints or Saturday mornings. Only Now say it with me If it doesn't fit in the block, it doesn't get on the clock. We're going to say that again. If it doesn't fit in the block, it doesn't get on the clock. You tracking with me. Number two schedule. Your don't touch me, time Meaning okay, we're not getting weird here. Add rest and recovery to your calendar like it's your most important client. You see, even Jesus withdrew from the crowd and you can log off too.
Speaker 2:Number three your primary job is your top priority your kids and your peace. Those are non-negotiables. Your side hustle should enhance, not endanger, what matters most. And number four say no like a queen. Not every opportunity is a God opportunity. You see, if it pulls you away from your purpose, your peace or your people, it's a no, and let your no just be as holy as your yes. I think it says that somewhere in the Bible.
Speaker 2:So let's do a little faith check and we're going to pull it right from the pages of Matthew, chapter 11, verses 28 through 30 in the NIV, and I quote come to me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I'm gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is. Ladies, god is not impressed by your grind. He's not drawn to your heart. He wants to give you grace over grind, flow over force, purpose over pressure. So here is I think this is our last Thriving 25 Journal prop and I want you to put on there.
Speaker 2:Where do I need to have better boundaries in my hustle? What's one thing I can say no to this week? To protect my peace. So as I close, we're going to touch on this. You can hustle, holy mama. So let's land this episode with a little truth and a whole lot of love. You are more than your hustle, you are more than your grind, and you are not required to run yourself ragged to prove your worth or provide for your family. God's got you. He sees the effort you're putting in and he's not just showing up for you in the big wins, he's in the small, quiet. Obedience too. And today I want to leave you with something really special. Last week we had a group of high school students serving at Shepherd's Village on their mission trip, and this is just one of the many recordings I'm going to share with you throughout the year that each student did to encourage you. So I hope you find this as a reminder that people you've never even met, are praying for you, rooting for you and believing in your strength.
Speaker 3:Psalm 46 5. God is in the midst of her. She shall not be moved. God shall help her, and that right early. I like this verse because when I'm going through life or when I'm playing sports, I read it and I write it on my shoes to remember that my performance does not define me and everything God does in my life determines who I am, and that as long as I have him, nothing will hurt. What a gift right.
Speaker 2:You see, god sees you, he hears you and he's sending help in unexpected ways. God sees you, he hears you and he's sending help in unexpected ways, even through a tough teenager who showed up to serve and speak life over your story. So your call to action is one journal it. What hustle idea excites you without exhausting you, and what boundaries do you need to draw this week to protect your peace? I just realized there was another journal prompt that I forgot to tell you about, sorry. Two share it.
Speaker 2:Join our it's a Single Mom Thing Facebook group and post one hustle idea or boundary you're owning this week. Use the hashtag HolyHustleMom so we can lift you up and cheer you on. Three need prayer? Call our 24-hour prayer line at 855-822-PRAY. You know we're here for you. And four if you live in the Tampa Bay area, come hang out in person at our it's a Single Mom Thing class every second fourth Tuesday at Starkey Road Baptist Church. See the full class schedule at shepherdsvillagecom. Forward slash classes At five subscribe and share. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, spotify or iHeart Radio. And if this spoke to your heart today, you need to leave us a review and share it with another solo mama who needs some holy hustle in her life. So listen, ladies, hustle with heaven's help, not just human effort, because, listen, god's your business partner and burnout won't even stand a chance.
Speaker 2:Have a wonderful week and remember it's a single mom thing and not the single thing that stops you.
Speaker 1:Thanks for listening to. It's a Single Mom Thing. I hope you enjoyed our time together. If you have more questions on how to have a relationship with Jesus or need prayer, visit us at wwwshepherdsvillagecom. Backslash prayer. For more information and resources, check out our show notes.