It's A Single Mom Thing
Welcome to “It's A Single Mom Thing,” the show for single moms by single moms, hosted by Sherry Chandler.
Being a solo momma and present parent is hard work, and losing focus is easy when you forget your faith. The good news is you are not alone. You were singled out this season, and together, we can work on what’s not working for you—finding Christ in the crisis! Whether you’re tuning in early in the morning or late at night, I’m here for you, momma.
This podcast is your go-to space for navigating life as a single mom with faith, fun, and a fresh perspective. We'll cover everything from mastering a single-mom success mindset and budgeting like a boss to prioritizing self-care and raising resilient kids. We’ll share time management hacks, parenting perspectives, co-parenting challenges, and how to find joy and laugh again. Together, we’ll move from surviving to thriving in every season of single motherhood.
Be encouraged. Get inspired. You can do this, momma.
Each Monday, join me for practical advice, relatable stories, and uplifting conversations as we walk this journey from solo momma to solo momma. I promise not to take too much of your time, and I’m so grateful you’re spending it with me.
It may be a single mom thing, but it doesn’t have to be the "single thing" that stops you!
It's A Single Mom Thing
Faith Over Freak-Outs: Trusting God When Life Feels Uncertain
Mama, life has a way of throwing curveballs when you least expect it—unexpected bills, co-parenting chaos, kids pushing your last nerve. 😩 It’s easy to hit freak-out mode, but what if you could shift from panic to peace?
In this episode of It’s A Single Mom Thing, we’re diving deep into:
✅ Freak-Out Mode vs. Faith Mode—Are you reacting or relying on God?
✅ How Jesus Handled Pressure—Spoiler: He had plenty of reasons to panic, but He didn’t!
✅ Practical Steps to Go from Overwhelmed to Anchored—Because peace isn’t based on circumstances, it’s based on Christ.
🔥 BONUS: Your Kids Are Watching! The way you handle stress is shaping their faith—let’s show them what it looks like to trust God in the storm.
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#FaithOverFreakOuts #TrustGod #FaithOverFear #SingleMomStrong #ShepherdsVillage #ShepherdsVillageUniversity #ItsASingleMomThing
It's a Single Mom Thing, Not the Single Thing That Stops You!
Welcome to it's a Single Mom Thing, the show for single moms by single moms. This is Sherri, your host, and I am happy you are here today. Remember it's a single mom thing and not the single thing that stops you.
Speaker 2:Ever felt like life is throwing you a curveball? No, scratch that. Curveballs, fastballs, sliders and a few unexpected sucker punches. Yeah, me too. One minute you think you've got a plan and then boom, shakalaka, life drops you to your knees, full-on freak out mode activated, whether it's the unexpected bill, the job that fell through the unexpected bill, the job that fell through the quote-unquote we need to talk text that turns your stomach, or the late night overthinking that steals your peace. But what if we flipped the script? What if, instead of freaking out, we leaned into faith? Today, girls, we're going to talk about how to stand firm in faith when life feels certainly uncertain. So take a deep breath, get your journal out and let's get busy. God's got this and you don't. Thanks for coming back and joining me in another episode of it's a Single Mom Thing.
Speaker 2:So first we're going to talk about the facts of freak out moments. You see, life has a way of sneaking up on us, doesn't it? One minute you're cruising through your day and the next you're blindsided by an unexpected bill, a tough conversation or that gut wrench feeling. What now? Us single mamas are no stranger to this feeling, am I right? So okay, as ladies of faith, here is a little fact about faith. Faith doesn't mean you won't panic. It means you don't have to stay there unless you really want to. So let's be real.
Speaker 2:Uncertainty is a huge trigger for all of us, single or not. The bank account that's lower than expected, the co-parent that is making life harder than it has to be, the kids are acting up and you feel like you're failing. You're exhausted, overworked and overwhelmed. If you're breathing, you're going to face uncertainty from now to eternity. The question isn't if, but how you respond. You see you have a responsibility here and well, your response is your responsibility. Do you let it consume you or do you hand it over to the one who already holds your future?
Speaker 2:Now listen, if I'm being totally honest with you, I don't always go to the one who holds my future, because I'm usually too busy holding my breath. You know what I mean. You know how this goes, because we are single moms holding our family together and there's no one there to hold us up. We are single moms holding our family together and there's no one there to hold us up. But really, what I know and what you know, I'm guessing is that that all is a lie. So let's untie that lie and unpack some biblical truth here and we're going to flip our book and our script to Philippians 4, 6 through 7.
Speaker 2:And I quote you know this verse do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your mind in Jesus Christ, your mind in Jesus Christ. Truth here, the truth is is that anxiety? Well, it's an alarm, but faith, yeah, that's the answer. Said differently, anxiety brings awareness that something is not right. God is the one that will make things right and that's where your faith should be. And let me just remind you that's according to his will and purpose on how that plays out.
Speaker 2:So let's have some fun with a little freak out verse faith mode to get a little more clarity on how this goes down. Freak out mode overthinking sleepless nights, trying to control the outcome, letting fear drive your decisions. Faith mode Handing it to God, choosing peace over panic, trusting that he is working even when you can't see it. Freak out mode Feeling paralyzed by the unknown, avoiding decisions, spiraling into the worst case scenarios, while faith mode would have you moving forward with courage, making decisions in wisdom, trusting that God is the one ordering your steps. Now let's do another little freak out mode, and that might be letting emotions dictate your reactions, snapping at your kids, letting frustration steal your joy. But if you flipped it over to faith mode, you'd be responding with grace, pausing to pray before reacting, letting God's peace guide your words and actions. Do you see and feel the difference between the two? You see, worrying. Well, it's kind of like a rocking chair it gives you something to do, but it won't take you anywhere.
Speaker 2:Faith, now, that moves mountains. So let's park that thought in our first journal prompt. Okay, girl, get your gear out. At the top of the page, I want you to write what's the number one thing causing me stress right now, and then, followed by what would it look like to release it to God instead of holding onto it? Press, pause for the cause, and then come back to the podcast when you're done. Okay, welcome back.
Speaker 2:Okay, up next, my sisters, we need to get real on while faith is your anchor in the storm, or at least when the waters get a little choppy. You see, faith isn't about pretending everything is fine. And what's the acronym for fine? Frustrated, insecure, neurotic and emotional, implying that when someone says, oh, I'm fine, they might not actually be feeling okay and are just using a generic response to avoid discussing deeper feelings Instead of faith, which the acronym for that would be firm assurance in the highest. You see, faith's about knowing who is in control even when things aren't so.
Speaker 2:If you've been spinning around in Christian circles for a while, you are no stranger to hearing faith being referred to like an anchor in the storm. And well, here's what we know about anchors. Anchors, they don't stop the storms, the waves they will still come. But anchors do keep you steady. Without one, you will drift wherever the storm takes you. Without faith, life's chaos can pull you under.
Speaker 2:So here's a little example ripped from the pages of Matthew, chapter 14, 29 through 31. And it's a Peter walking on water. You see, peter walked on the waves when he kept his eyes on Jesus. Now, the second he looked at the storm. You know he sank. So what's the lesson here? The storm isn't the problem, it's where you fix your eyes. That is Now.
Speaker 2:I don't know about you, but I think it's pretty natural to put our head down when life gets us down. But I think the challenge is to live right side up and do something supernatural. So let's feel this one out a bit Faith in the storm versus fear in the storm, and this is going to go for both moms and kids. Fear says the wind is too strong, I'm going under. But faith says my God is bigger than this storm. And here's a little kid version I can't do this math problem. I'll never get it. But a faith response would be God made my brain strong, I'll keep trying and he'll help me.
Speaker 2:Here's another scenario where fear says I have to handle this on my own, but faith says I can rest because he's got me. And let's go to a little kid version here. No one at school likes me. I have to figure this out alone. Now here's a little faith response that you could teach them, and that's God is always with me. I can pray and ask for him to bring me the right friends.
Speaker 2:Here's another scenario Fear says what if this doesn't work out? But faith says even if I don't see it now, god is working for my good. And here's something that you could do with your kids to teach them. Here's a kid's version of fear what if I don't make the team? But what if you taught them the faith response that God has a plan for me, no matter what happens. Listen, ladies. If your peace is shaken every time the storm rolls in, maybe it's time to check what your anchor is actually tied to. Let's take this one step further and even look to the one who best walked out his faith for us. Jesus could have totally freaked out too. You know that right, but he didn't. Jesus faced unbelievable pressure, betrayal and life-threatening situations, but he never let fear take over Instead.
Speaker 2:Here are some examples of what he did, Examples of how Jesus handled pressure instead of freaking out. And we find it in Mark 4, 35 through 41, where he calmed the storm While the disciples panicked. Jesus well, he slept through the storm and then rebuked the winds and waves. He had a little faith over some freak out. How about in Matthew, chapter 14, verses 13 through 21, where he fed the 5,000. Instead of stressing over lack, he trusted his father's provision and turned five loaves and two fish into more than enough, for he knew that faith provides. And then let's go to Luke, chapter 22, verses 39 through 46. And that's facing the cross.
Speaker 2:Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, sweating blood, but surrendered to God's will instead of trying to escape. You see, faith also submits. And then, finally, in John, chapter 19, verses 8 through 11, where he stood before Pilate. When accused and sentenced, Jesus remained silent because he knew God was in control of the outcome. You see, faith stands firm of the outcome. You see, faith stands firm If Jesus, in the face of betrayal, danger and death, could remain calm and trust God, how much more should we lean on him when our world feels uncertain? And listen, ladies, this doesn't mean this has to be perfect. You're looking for progress here.
Speaker 2:So how to strengthen your faith in the middle of uncertainty? Number one pray first, not last, Before running to panic. Run to prayer. Number two speak truth over fear. Declare God's promises over the situation. Number three look back to move forward, reminding yourself of every time he came through before for you. Number four surround yourself with faith-filled people. Fear grows in isolation, but faith grows in community, my sister.
Speaker 2:So here's a little scripture drop, and we find it in Isaiah 41 10. Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. How many times did he say I in that statement? Four, and how many times in the statement did he say you, yeah, that's none.
Speaker 2:So let's move on to this journal prompt. What storm am I facing right now and how can I anchor myself in faith instead of fear? To the one who is going to uphold you, Turning panic into peace? Practical steps. You see, faith isn't just a church thing. It's a daily, moment by moment choice when life gets messy. Here's how you can stop the panic spiral and step into peace and we're going to cover in this next thing. And if you got your pen and paper handy, you might want to write these down. These are practical faith builders.
Speaker 2:Number one pause and pray Before you react. Take a deep breath and talk to God. First, Said differently go to his throne before you pick up the phone, sister. Number two flip the fear. Instead of asking what if everything goes wrong, Ask what if God works this out? That's a mic, drop right there.
Speaker 2:Number three find your faith verse. Pick one, just one scripture to speak over your situation. For example, Isaiah 41 10. Fear not, for I am with you. Say it and spray it on a post-it note all over your home and wherever you roam, girl, until it becomes your mantra. And number four write a and this is quote unquote God's got this list Every time that he has come through in the past and every time that he is going to come through in your future. Write it down. Your faith, you see, it will grow as you see, proof of his faithfulness.
Speaker 2:And number five phone a faith friend and listen. This is number five, not step. Number one so call someone who you know will pray for you, not just panic with you, you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you, and that's from Isaiah 26.3. You see, my sisters, there is power in his word, right there for you, available in the midst of your next freak out. So for our last journal prompt of the podcast, I want you to write at the top of the page what is one practical step I can take today to shift from panic to peace. So, as I close, remember mamas. Life will always throw curve balls, but here's the truth you don't have to swing at every one. When uncertainty knocks, let faith answer the door.
Speaker 2:Trusting God doesn't mean you won't feel fear. It means you choose to believe he's bigger than what you're facing. And remember, you are setting the tone for your home. Your kids are watching how you act and react. If they see you constantly in panic mode, they'll learn to live in fear. But if they see you leaning into faith, trusting God in the hard moments, they will grow up knowing that their peace isn't based on circumstances, it's based on Christ. You see, faith, my sisters, is the greatest gift you can give your children. Teach them that faith isn't just for church on Sundays. It's for the unexpected bills, the broken hearts, the job losses and the everyday struggles of life. You are their first example of what trusting God looks like, just like Jesus is for you.
Speaker 2:So let's do a little recap and walk out some action steps. Number one recognize the freak out moments, but don't stay there, sister. Two let faith be your anchor, not fear. Three choose one practical step to shift from panic to peace today. And four show your kids what faith and action looks like. Ladies, your faith isn't just for you, it's for the next generation watching you. So let them see a woman who trusts God no matter what, Because when you walk in faith, you teach them how to walk out theirs too. So before we go, I have a few call to actions to leave with you.
Speaker 2:Join the it's a Single Mom Thing Facebook group to walk out this faith journey together. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or iHeart Radio so you never miss an episode. Need prayer? Call our 24-hour prayer line at 855-822-PRAY Tag a single mom friend who needs this reminder today. And support our single moms by joining our pickleball charity event. Yes, it's back. The west shore services, florida, hvac, raise and rally pickleball tournament. Say that five times fast. It is back, benefiting shepherd's village and helping single moms and their kids face their future with confidence. Join us on Saturday March 29th and be a part of the impact. More details available at wwwshepherdsvillagecom. Forward slash, pick a ball, have a wonderful week and remember it's a single mom thing and not the single thing that stops you.
Speaker 1:Thanks for listening to. It's a Single Mom Thing. I hope you enjoyed our time together. If you have more questions on how to have a relationship with Jesus or need prayer, visit us at wwwshepherdsvillagecom. Backslash prayer. For more information and resources, check out our show notes.