It's A Single Mom Thing
Welcome to “It's A Single Mom Thing,” the show for single moms by single moms, hosted by Sherry Chandler.
Being a solo momma and present parent is hard work, and losing focus is easy when you forget your faith. The good news is you are not alone. You were singled out this season, and together, we can work on what’s not working for you—finding Christ in the crisis! Whether you’re tuning in early in the morning or late at night, I’m here for you, momma.
This podcast is your go-to space for navigating life as a single mom with faith, fun, and a fresh perspective. We'll cover everything from mastering a single-mom success mindset and budgeting like a boss to prioritizing self-care and raising resilient kids. We’ll share time management hacks, parenting perspectives, co-parenting challenges, and how to find joy and laugh again. Together, we’ll move from surviving to thriving in every season of single motherhood.
Be encouraged. Get inspired. You can do this, momma.
Each Monday, join me for practical advice, relatable stories, and uplifting conversations as we walk this journey from solo momma to solo momma. I promise not to take too much of your time, and I’m so grateful you’re spending it with me.
It may be a single mom thing, but it doesn’t have to be the "single thing" that stops you!
It's A Single Mom Thing
Finding Your Tribe: Why Every Single Mom Needs A Village
Mama, you were never meant to do this alone! In today’s episode of It’s A Single Mom Thing, we’re getting real about why every single mom needs a village—not just to survive but to THRIVE.
💡 Here’s what we’re covering:
✅ The hard truth about doing it all solo (and why it’s not the flex you think it is)
✅ The red flags 🚩 of toxic “support” systems
✅ How to find the right tribe—without settling for less
✅ Jesus had a crew—so why are you still flying solo? 🤔
✅ A journal prompt to help you start building your support system TODAY!
📖 Biblical Truth: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 – “Two are better than one… If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”
✨ Your breakthrough is waiting on the other side of community. Let’s build your village together!
It's a Single Mom Thing, Not the Single Thing That Stops You!
Welcome to it's a Single Mom Thing, the show for single moms by single moms. This is Sherri, your host, and I am happy you are here today. Remember it's a single mom thing and not the single thing that stops you.
Speaker 2:So, mamas, let's get real. Being a single parent, it is a whole job, and trying to do it alone, well, that's like trying to juggle flaming swords while blindfolded. Possible, maybe? A hot mess waiting to happen. Oh, absolutely. In today's episode it's going to be a little shorter than our usual deep dives, but, trust me, the message is just as powerful. So buckle up, because we're cutting straight to the point. You see, god didn't design us to do life alone, and when you're a single mom, your village is more than just a nice to have. It's a survival necessity. Forgive me, I got a little cold so I said that funny necessity. But let's be real. Where do you even find your people? How do you build a tribe that actually supports you, your powwow and doesn't just drain you? Welcome to another episode of it's a Single Mom Thing.
Speaker 2:So in this episode, ladies, we are going to be talking about why single moms need a group of village peeps and what happens when you don't have one. The difference between community and chaos. Finding the right peeps, where to meet your tribe, even if you, girl, are an introvert. How to nurture healthy relationships that support, not drain you and, finally, how faith connects you to the right people at the right time. So, girls, roll up your sleeves. We have a lot of work to do. Grab your Thriving 25 journal and let's get busy.
Speaker 2:So why does every single mom need a village? Well, the hard truth is trying to do this alone, if you haven't figured it out already, will leave you burnt out, overwhelmed and isolated. Been there, done that. Like me, have you had a few people around you that were close to you, that hurt you? And well, you figured. Why should I let anybody else get close to me again? I'm not about to get hurt. Well, what happens when we don't have a village? Well, number one we ain't going to have any emotional support. You girl, like me, are going to be carrying every burden alone. Well, I used to, and, let's be honest, your toddler isn't exactly the best therapist. Two no practical help. Well, now you are the sole cook, chauffeur, tutor, nurse and financial provider, and those are just a few of the things that happen in a 24-hour day. Number three no accountability. Who's there to encourage you, check in on you and call you higher girl? Number four mom, guilt on steroids. You feel like you're failing when the girl you might just be exhausted. See, listen, sis. Single parenting, you know, is already hard Doing it without support. That's survival mode, not thriving mode. And we don't want to live one flush away going down the toilet bowl, do we? We want to flourish.
Speaker 2:So here is keeping it real. Even Jesus had a motley crew. You see, jesus didn't do life alone. He had his 12 disciples, because even the savior of the world knew community mattered. Ever thought about that? He says in his word you will have trouble. In John 16, 33, he says that. So why would you want to go alone, girl, if Jesus himself built a village?
Speaker 2:What makes you think you can do this mom, life solo mio. And here's a scriptural truth drop. And we will find that in Ecclesiastes 4, 9 through 10. And it says two are better than one. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. Them falls down, one can help the other up. You see, a village lifts you when you're weak, celebrates you when you'll win and reminds you you are never alone.
Speaker 2:I remember when I was going through my single mom thing, I had this neighbor friend who made what she called miracle soup when the solo mamas nearby were down with the sickness. Oh, I could use some of that. Now, on the flip side. When life happened to her and it did often as she was raising three teenage girls there was someone always there to take her girls shopping when she needed a break, or a woman to walk and talk the nearby bridge with her. So are you still convinced, or think you don't need a village?
Speaker 2:Well, let's check out some facts here. Studies show that single moms with strong support networks report higher levels of happiness, low stress and better mental health. Moms who have a strong faith community are more resilient, have better coping strategies and feel less isolated. And well, guess what? Your kids benefit too Children with strong community support, such as mentors, friends or church families. Well, they are also more confident, emotionally secure and better equipped for the future. How about that Translation? A healthy, supported mom equals a thriving child.
Speaker 2:Your village isn't just for you, girl, it's for them too. And everybody knows. When mama's happy, what? Say it with me real loud in your car Everybody's happy, right? You see you, mama. You set the tone and the groans for your familia. So here's where you're going to get your journal out. Don't forget to date it, and across the top of the page I want you to write this what areas of my life feel the hardest right now, and who could I reach out to for support?
Speaker 2:All right, now that we know why you need a village, let's talk about something just as important, and that's finding the right people, because, listen, not everyone deserves a seat at your table. So before we uncover who should get an invitation to your dinner table, let's first discover who should not. The red flags and cracks in support systems that drain you instead of helping you. Number one you do not want to invite the drama magnet, and that's a person who's always in chaos, never uplifting, and somehow their problems always become yours. Number two the taker. Well, that person only comes around when they need something, but disappear when you need help. I've been there. Number three the gossip girl. Oh, she talks about everyone, so you know she's talking about you too, boo. And number four the energy vampire. You feel drained, not encouraged, after every conversation with her. Funny how that happens. And what number am I on? Am I on four or five, I don't know.
Speaker 2:It is the fake helper and she pretends to care but secretly enjoys seeing you struggle. Oh, don't want her at my table. So does anyone listening have some of these peeps in their life? If so you need to pull out the chair from under your table and have them go eat somewhere else. But then who should you welcome as a guest at your table? Well, here's who needs a seat at your table, and that would be the encourager she speaks life over you when you're struggling.
Speaker 2:The helper she shows up when you need a real practical help. The truth teller Well, she loves you enough to be honest. And, girl, you need to love her back, even when she tells you the truth which may hurt. And the prayer warrior who, man, I love me. The prayer warrior because she covers you and your kids and faith. And, lastly, the other person you want at your dinner table is the accountability partner. And this person, this girl, is going to challenge you to grow, not settle like dust.
Speaker 2:So here is another scripture drop, and we're going to find that in Proverbs 27, 17. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another, like I like to say, just like knives at your dinner table. So, mama, your peace is precious and well, your kids are watching. So, who you let in your life, well, you probably should choose wisely, and I'm going to take that a little step further. You see their future and your future will thank you, and what I mean by that is that your kids will one day be teens who learned both your good and some of your bad habits and choices. So, said differently, what you do today will shape their tomorrow. So be sure you're certain of what potential future you want to show up. That's just a little pro tip from me to you, and I hope you got what I'm putting down. You see, because you, your family, you deserve a village that lifts you all up and not weighs you down.
Speaker 2:Now, ok, hope you didn't put that journal away. You need to keep that book right back out, because here we go, we have some more work to do and this journal prompt. I want you to write on the next page, across the top, who in my life pours into me and who drains me, and also keep going. How can I be more intentional about choosing my tribe Next up? After that, when you're done with that, follow me back here and we're going to dive into where to find the right people because, let's be honest, making new friends as an adult, well, it is not as easy as it was when we were kids on the playground.
Speaker 2:So here are some places to find support and community. May I suggest church groups that's women's ministry single moms groups, bible studies. Find a faith-filled circle that speaks life over you. Online communities, facebook groups, kind of like. It's a single mom thing with Shepherd's Village, where you can connect with moms, walk in the same journey. Local nonprofits putting a plug in again for us, shepherd's Village and other local organizations that offer resources, support and, of course, sisterhood Mom meetups. That might be playdates, homeschool groups and local mom-friendly events. Volunteering, again, that's serving someone other than yourself, which is a great way to build meaningful, faith-centered friendships. Moms from your kid's school and activities Strike up conversations with fellow moms at drop-offs, sport events or PTA meetings. And, lastly, support groups.
Speaker 2:With a caution here While connecting with others facing similar challenges can be helpful, be mindful Just because someone understands your struggle doesn't mean they have habits that will help you heal. So choose wisely is my caution for you. Listen, sometimes your village isn't handed to you. You have to step out and build it and sometimes pray for it. Well, a lot of times pray for it all the time and, yes, that might mean getting out of your comfort zone. But, girl, listen, your breakthrough is often on the other side of community. So jot this question down in your journal. Where can I take a step this week to connect with other moms? And that's definitely something that you could be praying about with Jesus and maybe even record something that he might suggest in your quiet time.
Speaker 2:Nurturing and strengthening your village All right, you found your people.
Speaker 2:Now what? Well, a strong village doesn't just happen. It's built with intention and care. So how to cultivate a thriving support system so you don't develop cracks in your own pipeline of support? So, girl, listen, you need to be a giver, not just a taker. Show up for others the way you want them to show up for you. Set healthy boundaries. Protect your peace by being clear on what you can give and what you can't give. Stay connected.
Speaker 2:A good village needs consistent check-ins. Don't ghost your people when life gets busy or you find a boyfriend. Pray for your people. A faith-filled village is one that prays together and stands in the gap for each other. Invest in deep, meaningful relationships, not the surface level friendships, which are nice, but well, when life gets messy, you want the ones that you built, connections that can handle the real and raw moments. And here's our last scripture drop for the day, and that's Galatians 6.2. Carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. So in our last journal prompt of the day, I want you to reflect on how can I show up for someone in my village this week?
Speaker 2:What intentional step can I take to strengthen my support system? Remember, mama, a strong village isn't just about finding the right people, it's about being the right person too. Let's build a community that loves, uplifts and grows together. So, as I close, I want to leave you with these final thoughts and a call to action for your week ahead. And here's the bottom line and a friendly reminder that I'm going to repeat again you were never meant to do this alone. Building your village, it isn't just about finding the right people, it's about being the right person too, and you want to surround yourself with those who will sharpen, strengthen and support you, and you want to be that for someone else. So, as our quick recap, you need a village. Well, because isolation isn't strength, it's survival mode, and we chose thrive mode this 25 year. Choose wisely. Not everyone deserves access to your life. Your tribe, it's out there, but you have to step out and find them. Strong villages, well, they're built on faith, friendships and showing up. So here is my call to action.
Speaker 2:If you haven't joined the it's a Single Mom Thing Facebook group, I don't know why you haven't, but you need to go there. It's a place for connection, encouragement and faith-filled community. If you live in the Tampa Bay, well why are you not at a seat at our table? Come to our next. It's a Single Mom Thing class. Register at shepherdsvillagecom. Forward slash classes. Need prayer? Call our 24-hour prayer line at 855-822-PRAY. Never miss an episode and an opportunity to do community with me. Like my solo mama who sent me a shout-out taking my voice with her on her road trip this week. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, spotify or iHeart Radio. Ladies, it's time to stop surviving and start thriving. Your village it is waiting for you Now. You need to go find it. Have a wonderful week and remember it's a single mom thing and not the single thing that stops you.
Speaker 1:Thanks for listening to. It's a Single Mom Thing. I hope you enjoyed our time together. If you have more questions on how to have a relationship with Jesus or need prayer, visit us at wwwshepherdsvillagecom. Backslash prayer. For more information and resources, check out our show notes.