It's A Single Mom Thing
Welcome to “It's A Single Mom Thing,” the show for single moms by single moms, hosted by Sherry Chandler.
Being a solo momma and present parent is hard work, and losing focus is easy when you forget your faith. The good news is you are not alone. You were singled out this season, and together, we can work on what’s not working for you—finding Christ in the crisis! Whether you’re tuning in early in the morning or late at night, I’m here for you, momma.
This podcast is your go-to space for navigating life as a single mom with faith, fun, and a fresh perspective. We'll cover everything from mastering a single-mom success mindset and budgeting like a boss to prioritizing self-care and raising resilient kids. We’ll share time management hacks, parenting perspectives, co-parenting challenges, and how to find joy and laugh again. Together, we’ll move from surviving to thriving in every season of single motherhood.
Be encouraged. Get inspired. You can do this, momma.
Each Monday, join me for practical advice, relatable stories, and uplifting conversations as we walk this journey from solo momma to solo momma. I promise not to take too much of your time, and I’m so grateful you’re spending it with me.
It may be a single mom thing, but it doesn’t have to be the "single thing" that stops you!
It's A Single Mom Thing
Turkey For One, Please!
Thanksgiving doesn’t have to look like a Norman Rockwell painting – especially when your guest list is more “table for one” than “feast for twenty.” Whether you’re flying solo, sharing turkey with your little ones, or just figuring out how to reheat last night’s pizza in style, this episode is here to remind you of one simple truth: one is a whole number.
Join me as we ditch the guilt, burn the rolls, and redefine Thanksgiving into something meaningful, beautiful, and totally yours. Together, we’ll dive into the overlooked blessings, celebrate survival (hello, Pilgrims!), and talk about how inviting Jesus to your table can turn a quiet holiday into a sacred feast.
Because let’s be honest – it’s not about what’s on the table, but Who’s at it. So grab your stretchy pants, pour yourself a little pumpkin spice something, and tune in for a Thanksgiving episode that’s as heartfelt as it is a wee bit hilarious.
It's a Single Mom Thing, Not the Single Thing That Stops You!
Welcome to it's a Single Mom Thing, the show for single moms by single moms. This is Sherri, your host, and I am happy you are here today. Remember it's a single mom thing and not the single thing that stops you. For some of us, thanksgiving this year looks more like a table for one, and you know what? That's not just okay, it might actually be the gift your solo sanity didn't know it needed. Welcome back, my single peeps, to another episode of it's a Single Mom Thing.
Speaker 1:So let's be honest, the holidays, well, they can come with all kinds of baggage expectations, financial stress, family drama and, yes, even some trauma. And when you're a single mom, that list can feel even heavier than a 20-pound butterball, leaving you wondering if there's really anything left to be thankful for. But what if this Thanksgiving we didn't focus on what's missing or what's overwhelming? And listen, this is for me too. What if, instead, we gave thanks for things we often overlook the little victories, the quiet moments and the presence of God who never leaves us? What if, this Thanksgiving, we let go of what the holiday is quote unquote supposed to be and supposed to look like, and instead embrace the beauty of what it could be creating possibly I don't know a new holiday memory, whether you're celebrating solo by choice, by circumstance or because your kids are with their other parent. This year, today we're diving into how to make turkey for one not just bearable, but maybe even a little beautiful. And here's the best part as a believer, you know your table is never truly empty when you invite Jesus to sit with you. He's not just an honored guest, he is the reason we can still find gratitude and joy, no matter what this season looks like, am I right? So today I want to create the space to flip the script on a traditional Thanksgiving for a transformational Thanksgiving. Listen, thanksgiving doesn't have to look like what the world says it should. It's not about how big your table is or how perfect the meal turns out. It's about the love that's shared, the memories created and yes, the presence of Jesus at the center of it all, not your centerpiece. Today we are redefining this Thanksgiving moment, creating new traditions, giving thanks for things overlooked and celebrating yes, I said celebrating what truly matters. So, whether your table has one chair or a few extra booster chairs, you need to grab your stretchy pants, girl. Have a little pumpkin spice something you need to grab your stretchy pants, girl, have a little pumpkin spice something. And let's make this holiday one to remember, with the one to remember Turkey for one. Yes, please, redefining this Thanksgiving moment.
Speaker 1:Thanksgiving is supposed to be about gratitude, but let's be honest when you're juggling single parenthood, financial stress or a quieter table than you had hoped for, it is hard to feel thankful, am I right? I understand this hard-fought, heartfelt emotion. Add in the picture-perfect posts floating on your social media and suddenly your turkey, for one, can feel like a giant gaping spotlight on what's missing. But what if we flip the script? What if, instead of focusing on what's missing, we started giving thanks for the things we've overlooked? And what if we reminded ourselves of this truth? One is a whole number. You've heard me say that before. You see, it's easy to feel like being alone or having a smaller table means something is lacking. But, as we discussed earlier this year, we lack nothing. But here's the thing One is not less than One is complete, one is whole.
Speaker 1:And whether it's just you at the table or you and your little ones, this is still a moment to celebrate the fullness of God's love and provision. I mean, think about it, girl. When was the last time you thanked God for the strength to get through a tough day. I know there have been many. When was the last time you thanked him for the little moments like your kid's smile or a quiet cup of coffee before the chaos begins? I don't know how? About for the ways he's provided, even when it wasn't in the way you expected, for the bed that supports your head and your rest as you rest in him, even down to the time he moved you in the spirit not to give the one finger salute to the person who just cuts you off in traffic, continuing to be the light to somebody else's shadow. That was him.
Speaker 1:Sometimes, gratitude well, it isn't about the big, obvious blessings. It's about recognizing God's hand in the everyday, the things we don't even think to count as blessings because they feel so small. But here's the truth when you start thanking God for the little things, your perspective shifts, even just a little, and suddenly you realize there's more to be grateful for than you thought. So, before we even talk about turkey or traditions, let's take a moment to pause and reflect. What's something you've overlooked this year that deserves your gratitude? Maybe, I don't know. It's as simple as surviving a hard season, making it through the storm, or finding joy in your unexpected places. I don't know about you, but I love when I find joy in unexpected places, sometimes even like a job or a journey. You see, this Thanksgiving, let's not wait for the big moments to give thanks. Let's give thanks to God for the overlooked blessings, the quiet reminders that he's with us and the promise that, no matter how our table looks this year, his presence makes it full. Cheers to a new tradition.
Speaker 1:Now that we've shifted our focus from what's missing to what's present, let's talk about this. Just because your Thanksgiving table looks different doesn't mean it can't be special. In fact, this could be your chance to start something brand new, a tradition that's uniquely yours, one to go down into your history books. Remember. History can be hysterical. Maybe you've always felt the pressure to do a Thanksgiving a certain way turkey cooked just right, a picture perfect table and a guest list to match. But this year, what if you, girl, tossed that rule book out the window and did things your way? Here's the beauty of being a single mom at Thanksgiving. And yes, there is beauty. You're free to create the holiday that works for you. Want to ditch the turkey and have chicken tacos instead? Go for it. Feel like watching movies in your pajamas all day. Make it a tradition. Want to trade in your dinner table for a picnic table? Even plates to paper plates? Oh, girl, cheers to a new tradition. Clink, clink.
Speaker 1:You see, thanksgiving doesn't have to be about what's expected. It's about what brings you and your family joy in the unexpected, unrehearsed moments. And if it's just you at the table, girl, this year, think about how you can make it meaningful. Set a beautiful place for yourself. Light a candle, light several candles, the good, smelly ones too. Have a meal that you've always marveled at and invite Jesus to sit with you, leaving room for him and some dessert. Take a moment to write down what you're thankful for, even the small things, and if you're up for it, call a friend or someone who might need a little encouragement too. Thanksgiving is less about the meal and more about the moments. It's not the turkey that makes it special, it's the heart behind it. This year, girl, you get to decide how to fill your table with love and laughter and gratitude, whether it's just set for one or you and your little ones.
Speaker 1:New traditions yeah, they don't have to be trying and complicated. They can be as simple as starting the day with prayer, making a favorite dish together with your kids, catching a sunset, or even writing letters of thanks to God for blessings he's given you, the ones you know we've overlooked. Remember, you're not stuck with the way things have always been, although I do understand that that is easy to do. You do have a choice to do something and be something different. You have the freedom listen, girl to create something beautiful, something that reflects who you are and the season you're in. And who knows these new traditions? They might become the ones your kids carry into their own family some days, inviting Jesus to your table.
Speaker 1:So pull out a chair and let's talk about the most important guest at your Thanksgiving table this year. Surprise, it's Jesus. Whether your table is set for one or a few, it's never truly empty when you invite him to join you, is it? Sometimes holidays like Thanksgiving? Well, I understand this. They can feel very isolating, especially if you're spending them solo mio.
Speaker 1:But here's the truth. You know God sees you, he meets you exactly where you are and he's always ready to pull a chair up to your table. Do you have a seat saved for him? Think about it the same God who fed thousands with just a few loaves of fish. Who calmed storms with a word, who healed the broken, is the same God who is sitting with you right now. He's not just present, he's bringing peace, love and hope to your table. He's got presence. Who couldn't use an extra helping of that, especially through the year that we've just been through? Take a moment to invite him in.
Speaker 1:Maybe it's with a simple prayer of gratitude, like this Lord, thank you for this moment, for this season and for your presence in my life, even when things don't look the way I had hoped. I trust that you are here, working all things for my good. You see, when you make room for Jesus at your table, something changes. I'm telling you, girl, listen. The loneliness, it starts to fade, the stress takes a backseat, and then suddenly you realize you're not doing this holiday alone. You realize he is with you.
Speaker 1:And here's the best part when Jesus is at your table, he brings abundance, not necessarily in the form of a cornucopia of turkey and stuffing, but in the form of peace that surpasses all understanding, of joy that no circumstance can take away, and of love that reminds you that you are never, ever forgotten. Good gravy, girl, you are protected, preserved and provided for, possibly in ways you overlooked. Maybe for a little dessert. You ask him to show you the ways he's been there for you when you weren't looking. You can even go for seconds. So this Thanksgiving, let's not just focus on what's on the table, let's focus on who's at the table, because his presence, oh yes, it turns even the simplest meal into a feast of gratitude and grace, giving thanks for the overlooked.
Speaker 1:Now, as we discussed Thanksgiving, it isn't all about gravy, it's about gratitude. But let's be for real. It's easy to thank God for the big, shiny blessings, right, the ones that everyone can see. But what about the little things, the overlooked moments, the blessings that didn't come wrapped in a bow but were still gifts from him? Think about this past year. Maybe it wasn't picture perfect, maybe it was downright hard, but even in the mess, god was there, providing in ways that may I don't know, they might not have stood out at the time. Can you think of a few like I don't know that one friend who checked in on you when you felt invisible, the strength you found to get through a day when you didn't think you could, the moments when your kids smiled, laughed or hugged you, even if the rest of the day was total chaos, or the person in line who paid it forward. Yeah, that was him.
Speaker 1:You see, sometimes the blessings we overlook are the ones that matter the most. It's the small, quiet reminders that God is with us, that he sees us and that he hasn't forgotten us. He sees you, girl, even when you're trying to fake it and make it. And when we take time to notice and thank him for those moments, our perspective changes. Sometimes we just need to turn down, thank him for those moments. Our perspective changes. Sometimes we just need to turn down the noise to hear him, see him catch a glimpse of a blessing from him.
Speaker 1:Gratitude isn't about pretending everything is perfect. It's about seeing God's hand in the imperfect, the mundane and even the hard. It's about recognizing that, even when the world feels heavy, he's still giving us reasons to be thankful for. He is doing the weightlifting for you. All you have to do is just take a breath to find a blessing to be thankful for. So here's a challenge for you this Thanksgiving Take a moment I don't know to write down three things you're thankful for that you might have overlooked.
Speaker 1:They don't have to be big. In fact, the smaller the better, because when you start to notice the little things, you realize just how present God has been all along, and you don't just have to look for him any longer for the big things. Let's be people who give thanks in all circumstances, not just for what's easy to see, but for the quiet ways God has shown up in our lives. Let's thank him for the overlook, the unexpected and the things that remind us that he is always faithful. Much like the pilgrims on their first Thanksgiving in 1621, we have reasons to be thankful for even in seasons of struggle, they had survived a brutal winter, leaned on their faith and found support in a new community. Their gratitude wasn't for a life free of hardship, but for the strength, the provision and the relationships that carried them through.
Speaker 1:And here we are, centuries later, carrying the same truth that in survival, in faith and in community, there's always something to be thankful for, even when it feels like we're barely making it girl. God's provision sustains us, his presence strengthens us and His people yeah they remind us that we're not alone. This Thanksgiving, let's honor the legacy. Let's be grateful for our survival in the storms, for the faith that anchors us and for the community, however big or small that walks alongside us. Because, girl, these blessings, those sometimes overlooked, are the ones that truly matter. So, I don't know, maybe you write a gratitude letter to yourself or to God, reflecting on how far you've come. Create a prayer jar where you write down blessings or hopes for the year ahead. Plan a future celebration with your kids when they return, turning Thanksgiving into a season rather than a single day, redefining the meaning of Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1:Okay, so, as I close, let's get real. Somewhere along the way, thanksgiving stopped being about gratitude and started being about stretchy pants, black Friday sales and figuring out how to politely decline Aunt Edna's mystery casserole. Do we even know what's in that thing? And hey, I'm not knocking the stretchy pants. We all need those after a good Thanksgiving meal. But let's talk about what Thanksgiving really means.
Speaker 1:If your Thanksgiving looks a little different this year, whether it's just you or you and your little ones gathered around a table for one, let me remind you of this. Thanksgiving isn't about how many people are at the table or how perfectly everything comes together. It's about gratitude, and that doesn't require a crowd. You don't need a packed table to give thanks. You don't need a gourmet meal to feel full, and you definitely don't need the world's definition of perfect to celebrate what's good in your life, because when you invite Jesus to your table, he fills the empty spaces with his presence, his peace and his love. So if it's turkey for one this year, or two, or even five, remember this one is a whole number and when you add Jesus to the equation, it's more than enough. He turns your quiet Thanksgiving into a sacred moment, reminding you that you are seen, loved and held this Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1:Let's redefine the holiday moment. Forget the pressure to make it insta-worthy or the guilt over what it is not or what you just ate. Instead, focus on what is, what is a chance to celebrate the blessings you do have, the people who matter the most and the God who's been with you every step of the way. And if you're struggling to see those blessings this year, you are not alone and you don't have to carry that weight by yourself. Our 24-hour prayer line is always open at 855-822-PRAY.
Speaker 1:Whether you need someone to pray with you, talk to you or simply remind you that God's got this, we are here for you.
Speaker 1:And if you don't know Jesus, we are even here to introduce you to him so he can be an honored guest at your table this year, creating a new Thanksgiving tradition, and if you're looking for a way to deepen your faith and find your community, we encourage you to find a Bible-based church where you can plug in, grow and be supported.
Speaker 1:You don't have to figure this out alone, and you are never truly by yourself unless you want to be so grab those stretchy pants, burn those rolls if you must, and let's celebrate Thanksgiving in its purest form, with gratitude, faith and maybe a second helping of pie or two, because no matter how many chairs are at your table, when Jesus is with you it is always full Turkey for one. Please have a wonderful week and remember it's a single mom thing and not the single thing that stops you. Thanks for listening to. It's a Single Mom Thing. I hope you enjoyed our time together. If you have more questions on how to have a relationship with Jesus or need prayer, visit us at wwwshepherdsvillagecom backslash prayer. For more information and resources, check out our show notes.